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FMP URL protocol FMP URL protocol

FMP URL protocol

The fmp7://, fmp7script://, and fmp:// URL protocols offer FileMaker developers awesome possibilities. They can be used to control FileMaker solutions from outside or from inside. Examples include: from a web page, another application, or a FileMaker Web Viewer.

Update: As of FileMaker 16, you need to enable the "fmurlscript" Extended Privilege for the appropriate Privilege Sets.

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This infographic is an evolving document built on information from the community and made better by contributions from many. Free to give us feedback in the comments section here.

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Thanks to all those who helped make this info-graphic better. Remaining errors are ours. Here are some of the people who shared useful suggestions (listed alphabetically):

  • Dan Shockley, Hotel Trades Council
  • David Head, FileMaker, Inc.
  • Karen Stella, Graffiteria, Inc.
  • Kieran Saunders, FileMaker, Inc.
  • Ronnie Rios, FileMaker, Inc.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.


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